AEHQ: Replacing Gabrielle Giffords

It’s been an expensive battle, one that both sides consider highly symbolic.  And today, Arizona voters will decide who will take the seat of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, who survived an gunshot wound to the head in an assassination attempt more than a year ago.

FOX News Radio’s Jessica Rosenthal has this election update:

From America’s Election Headquarters…

Giffords’ former aide Ron Barber is the Democrat.  Tea Partier Jesse Kelly is the Republican.  Democrats need about 25 wins to take back the House majority, and keeping this seat in a Republican-leaning district wouldn’t be just an add, but a symbolic add.  To Republicans, a win for a seat held by a moderate Democrat would be a statement against the President.

A survey from the left-leaning Public Policy Polling has Barber ahead.  Giffords was shot in the head last year during a shooting rampage, and resigned from Congress this year to focus on recovery.

Jessica Rosenthal, FOX News Radio.