Hidin’ Biden

We are days away from the CNN presidential debate and it should concern every American that our current president and leader of the free world needs a week of seclusion to prepare to stand and speak for an hour and a half.

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next. 

Joe Biden has been campaigning for political office since 1970, that is roughly twice as many years as I’ve even been alive. 

So it’s rather distressing that he’d have to take an entire week off to prepare for a 90 minute debate. 

According to reports, while at Camp David for his CNN presidential debate prep, he’ll be joined by at least 16 advisors to help him along. 

I get that preparing for a presidential debate is no small task but the fact the sitting president needs an entire week of sequestered and designated prep time with more than a dozen people tells me he’s not just incapable of making it through the campaign season, but also incapable of serving as the  Commander-In-Chief in the current term! 

On the flip side, Donald Trump has been out on the campaign trail, holding rallies and talking to voters ahead of the CNN presidential debate. 

He doesn’t need to hide for a week like the other guy and the contrast couldn’t be more apparent! 

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at Outkick.com