Jason Aldean Music Video EDITED?!

Did Jason Aldean REMOVE 6 seconds of riot footage from his controversial “Try that in a Small Town” music video?

I’m Tomi Lahren, find out next.

Jason Aldean’s song “Try that in a Small Town” has become a smash hit for two reasons. One, it’s a dang good song and two, real America has told the cancel culture woke mob to pound sand and rightfully so.

But in a surprising revelation, the music video for the song has been quietly edited to remove 6 seconds worth of content showcasing the summer riot season of 2020.

Now I know what you’re afraid of because I was too..did Aldean edit his music video to appease the woke mob?

Thankfully that doesn’t seem to be the case but rather, the small edit was made because the Aldean team reportedly didn’t have permission to use the very real riot footage showcased in the video.

So this wasn’t a spineless back down or a bend-the-knee moment, it was just a technicality and a footage usage dispute.

While it’s disappointing, I am relieved to hear that Aldean didn’t cave to pressure.

The song is still holding strong on the charts and is still an anthem for real America!

God bless and rock on!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at Outkick.com