Barbie Movie Backlash

The Barbie movie makes its debut this weekend but some critics are blasting the flick for its “anti-male” message.

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

The highly anticipated Barbie movie is set to hit theaters at the end of the week and while some are tickled pink with excitement, some critics are calling the film “anti-male” noting that Ken and all the male characters depicted in the film are dumb, weak or sexist.

Now I think this criticism of this movie has gone a little far. It’s a movie about a doll, it’s not that deep.

But it does bring up a real cultural issue with modern day feminism.

Why does female empowerment have to mean bashing or emasculating men?

Can’t strong female leads be accompanied by strong male supporting roles?

The feminist movement has been hijacked by people who don’t even know what a woman is, by the way.

Dumping on or feminizing men doesn’t send a strong or positive message to young girls, either.

I don’t expect the Barbie Movie to do it all, but it’s disappointing that woke elements just can’t leave iconic storylines alone!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at