NYPD Muslim Surveillance Used Federal Drug Funds

    Millions of dollars from a White House program used for drug enforcement may have also been used in the secretive NYPD surveillance of Muslim communities in New York and New Jersey.

    FOX News Radio’s Courtney Kealy reports:

    According to the Associated Press, which first broke the story about the NYPD surveillance of Muslim communities, money from part of a grant used to fight drug crimes from a White House program called the “High Intensity Drug Trafficking Program” may have also been used to fund the surveillance.  

    It’s unclear exactly how much because the program has little oversight, but some of the money has paid for cars that plainclothes officers used to conduct surveillance in Muslim neighborhoods, as well as paying for computers that store information about Muslim college students, Islamic social events and sermons at mosques.

    In New York, Courtney Kealy, FOX News Radio.