Securing America: Michigan Militia Trial

The trial is now underway for seven members of a Michigan militia, accused of planning attacks on police officers.

FOX News Radio’s Jennifer Keiper has the details in our daily update on national security:

During opening statements federal prosecutors show a video clip in which David Stone declares “Welcome to the revolution.”

Stone leads a group called the Hutaree. Eight members from Michigan, Ohio and Indiana were arrested nearly two years ago on charges that they plotted to kill a police officer then ambush others who attended the funeral service, with a bigger goal of creating chaos and a government revolt.

A defense attorney says there was no plan to attack the government and that Stone and his group were preparing to fight the “anti-Christ.”

The defense says the militia members were simply engaging in boastful talk.

Prosecutors say the group was clearly willing to go to war.

Jennifer Keiper, FOX News Radio