Online Protest of Internet Piracy Bills

    Parts of the online community, including the popular online encyclopedia Wikipedia, go offline in protest of bills in Congress to control copyright infringement and counterfeit goods on the Internet.

    FOX News Radio White House Correspondent Mike Majchrowitz reports:

    The fight is over bills in both the House and the Senate that would give the Justice Department powers to crack down on copyright infringement and counterfeit goods on the internet.

    It has stoked passions in the business community, online industy, and civil libertarians groups. House Speaker John Boehner suggesting more work is needed before a bill can be passed.

    (Boehner)”It’s pretty clear to many of us that there is a lack of consensus to this point.”

    The White House this weekend joined civil libertarians and the net community in raising objections to how the bills are currently written. FOX News Radio parent company Newscorp supports the legislation.

    At the White House, Mike Majchrowitz, FOX News Radio