A Busy 2011 For The Red Cross

    2011 was a disastrous year, and that had relief agencies like the Red Cross working overtime.

    FOX News Radio’s Dave Anthony reports:

    A lot of people suffered this year. (crying) From the tsunami that devastated Japan, to the tornadoes that tore up the Midwest and South:

    “We have utter destruction.”

    To all the flooding (water rushing) Hurricane Irene caused from Vermont to New Jersey. The Red Cross was inundated.

    Howe: “Quite a bit busier than 2010 and 2009.”

    In just the U.S., 137 large-scale disaster operations in 46 states. The Red Cross’ Laura Howe says they:

    Howe: “Opened up more than 1000 shelters and provided 6.7 million meals and snacks.”

    And despite the tough economy:

    Howe: “People have been generous this year.”

    Adding, they always get a rush of donations at the end of the year.

    Dave Anthony, FOX News Radio.