Leaving Iraq

    More than eight years since they moved in, the last of the U.S. troops are moving out of Iraq.  The countdown is in full swing to a year-end deadline.

    FOX News Radio’s Alastair Wanklyn reports from Baghdad:

    Just a couple of thousand troops left, and most of them moving right now towards the Kuwaiti border.

    “We just came down from Baghdad.  Our platoon brought down our trucks and now we’re just getting ready to turn ’em in and go home.”

    “Yeah, yeah I got a new son I’m looking forward to seeing.  I haven’t met him yet.”

    The move should be complete within days.  The Army’s not calling it a withdrawal, but a reposturing, with armored trucks being sent from here to Afghanistan.  Other stuff left here in Iraq; military bases handed to the Iraqis.

    In Baghdad, Alastair Wanklyn, FOX News Radio.