Dr. Nicole Saphier: ‘I Am In Full Agreement’ With DeSantis On No Longer Requiring Students To Quarantine After Exposure To COVID

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Dr. Nicole Saphier, Board Certified Medical Doctor, Senior Fox News Medical Contributor joined Fox News Radio’s Guy Benson Show to react to pushback from critics over no longer requiring students to quarantine if they come into close contact with someone who tests positive for covid.

Dr. Saphier said this,

“In terms of your other one, I am in full agreement with Governor Desantis. If you check my Twitter feed from a couple of months ago, I have said that we need to stop pulling kids out of school because of these close contacts. We have ample rapid testing. And when those rapid tests have anywhere between an 86 to 98 percent ability to identify someone who is contagious, if a child is in close contact, you just give them a couple of rapid tests for the next few days. And if they don’t develop symptoms, you’re fine. You don’t keep them home from school. We know that has significantly more harm than any benefit.