Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH): “There Just Had To Be A Change” In The GOP Leadership

On Fox Across America with Jimmy Failla, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) talked about the battle for the leadership of the Republican party and what Republicans can do about the censorship of conservatives by Big Tech.

“There is going to be a change. And you can’t have the spokesperson for the Republican Party reciting Democrat talking points. You can’t have the spokesperson for the Republican Party saying things that 90 percent of your party disagrees with. And you can’t have the Republican Party spokesperson, who is attacking the leader of your party who got 75 million people to vote for them, so there just had to be a change.”

“Right now the problem is Democrats are in control of the Congress and they haven’t reached the same conclusion we have because, let’s just put it simply, they actually like the fact that Facebook is censoring conservatives. They like the fact that Facebook only seems to fact check conservatives, never seems to fact check anyone else. And it’s all liberals who are doing the fact check for the Big Tech platform. So I think Democrats are not going to help us. We’ve got a bill that would take away the liability protections, the so-called Section 230 stuff, and they won’t do that. So I’m for busting them up. But that’s got to be the Justice Department that does it. And it’s got to be when you have a Republican administration, I believe.”