Karl Rove: Biden And Others Are Going To Have To Deal With The Aftermath Of GA Boycotts

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Karl Rove, Former Deputy Chief of Staff and Senior Advisor to President George W. Bush joined Fox News Radio’s Guy Benson Show to discuss the political fallout of boycotts targeted the state of Georgia over the states new voting law.

Karl Rove said,

“Interesting thing to me was how closely the governor, the leadership, Republican leaders of the state Senate, the speaker of the House, a Republican, the Republican secretary of state, worked this process. And as you say, they were listening and trying to do rational and sensible things and taking advice from people in the state. But but you’re right. We now have a boycott. And the president of the United States, Mr. Joseph Biden, can’t walk back his original words, which we’re encouraging of, of a boycott. He can’t now say, well, I really didn’t mean it when I said those things. And the same with all of these incendiary comments made by people like Warnock and Stacey Abrams and others. They’re going to have to they’re going to have to deal with the aftermath of this.”