Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) Gives Update On Extreme Weather In Texas

Listen To The Full Interview Below:

On today’s Guy Benson Show, Congressman Chip Roy, Representative for Texas’ 21st Congressional District gave an update on the extreme weather that hit the lone star state and what’s to blame for the widespread power outages.

Congressman Chip Roy gave an update on the situation saying,

“Well, for everybody listening not here. It is as bad as you just described. We had millions of people in Texas who are without power. And it’s been devastating because, as you said, we’re not built for it. Right. We’re not built for a single degree temperatures and then no power. So we’ve got people who are, you know, struggling. And, you know, we had a mom and two kids dying in their car trying to stay warm in the garage. The carbon monoxide woman last night bound, wheelchair bound. She had no water. People without dialysis. The hospital fredricksburg. I just got off the CEO with her. They had no water for 24 hours. Imagine running a hospital, no water. And so basically the people of Fredericksburg went and empty. The pool was right next to the hospital, literally just took buckets of water, use it to flush toilets. So that’s the kind of thing we’re dealing with. The good news is power has moved in the right direction. We’re now getting to the place where we’re keeping people up and there’s fewer rolling blackouts. I can attest to that. And so those cycles are going faster, but they’re still, you know, hundreds of thousands, millions of people without power were working through it. The numbers are moving in the right direction. And lord willing, we get a break. It gets above freezing tomorrow in the 40s. That will be an enormous benefit. We need to get that temperature up above freezing. And I don’t think it’s going to happen until tomorrow, mid afternoon.”