Marc Thiessen On The Post Trump Republican Party

Listen To The Full Interview Below:

On today’s show, Marc Thiessen, columnist at The Washington Post and Fox News contributor spoke about the infighting within the Republican party and were the party stands post President Trump.

Marc Thiessen said,

“I mean, we just had a mob storming the Capitol, waving Confederate flags, chanting Hang Mike Pence and the person some of these House Republicans want to remove from office is Liz Cheney. Seriously, I mean, we can agree to disagree over whether what the president did was an impeachable act. I think it was. We can also agree to disagree over whether even if you think it was an impeachable act, if it is prudent for a trial to go forward. If we’re trying to restore unity, if we’re trying to move the party forward, of trying to move the country forward. But there is no reasonable person who can say that the one person who should lose their job and be excommunicated from the Republican Party in the wake of what happened on Capitol Hill is Liz Cheney.”

Thiessen added,

“I will share with you a conversation I had with the president, the United States……… He called me after the election and sort of going through all of the all of the data about showing that the election was lost. I said, Mr. President, you lost it because you alienated too many people who supported your policies but didn’t support you. What you need to do is you need to go go out, win the two Senate seats in Georgia declare your runing again in four years, go back and win back the House in 2022, win back the presidency in 2024, and you’ll and you’ll be strong. And instead, he went down this dark path and and he disqualified himself. He betrayed people like me and people like you who spoke out, defended him. He betrayed his own supporters. He lied to his supporters. And so that’s the problem we have to deal with in the Republican Party.”