Housecall for Health: Lice Warning

Now that the kids are back in school, a heads up for parents to keep a close eye on their child’s noggin.

FOX News Radio’s Jennifer Keiper has today’s “Housecall for Health”:

An itchy head…and it turns out to be lice.  Ohio dermatologist Dr. Bob Haber says the bugs don’t discriminate:

“Head lice has nothing to do with hygiene.  It has nothing to do with income.”

Dr. Haber says one bug can lay a lot of eggs quickly, so avoid sharing hats and combs.  Treatments involve prescription or over-the-counter medications, and usually a fine-tooth comb to pull out the nits, which are usually close to the scalp and look like small yellow or brown dots before they hatch.

Housecall for Health, I’m Jennifer Keiper, FOX News Radio.