Remembering Barbara Bush and Her Impact on Literacy

    A major part of First Lady Barbara Bush’s legacy is the Foundation for Family Literacy that bears her name and continues its mission to help children and adults with literacy issues. FOX’s Lisa Brady reports in this week’s ‘Fox on Family’:

    When she became First Lady 29 years ago, Barbara Bush also became a champion for literacy:

    (Frangione) “If you could solve the literacy problem, all those other problems become easier, not easy, but easier to solve.”

    Chris Frangione, Interim CEO of the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy, says the cause remains critical, and Mrs. Bush shined a light on an under-served population: 36-million adult Americans with low-literacy and a greater risk of other challenges, like unemployment and their children being low-literate

    (Frangione) “If you don’t help those adults, you’re not gonna be able to help those children.”

    For her 90th birthday two years ago, Mrs. Bush challenged the foundation to better serve adult learners. Now eight apps created in a global competition are being tested:

    (Frangione) “29 years ago, we wouldn’t have been able to have the impact we’re having today.”

    The foundation has children’s programs, too. You can donate or post a tribute at Or to honor her legacy of service, Frangione says find your passion and volunteer.

    With Fox on Family, I’m Lisa Brady.

    Frangione says the impact of the former First Lady on the issue of literacy cannot be overstated, in addition to her emphasis on service. Mrs. Bush said, “Some people give time, some money, some their skills and connections, some literally give their life’s blood. But everyone has something to give.”