President Trump: “We Will Not Be Putting Up With” North Korea’s Actions

    President Trump said on Wednesday that the U.S. doesn’t approve of what is going on in North Korea.

    FOX’s Jon Decker reports from the White House:

    Before departing the White House on Marine One, President Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping spoke again about how to resolve the North Korean crisis as the U.S. seeks support for more stringent UN sanctions:

    (President Trump) “We will not be putting up with what’s happening with North Korea. I believe that President Xi agrees with me 100 percent. He doesn’t want to see what happening there either.”

    President Trump has vowed to escalate sanctions and also has warned North Korea of what he calls “fire and fury” if it continues threatening America as well as America’s allies in the region.

    At the White House, Jon Decker, FOX News.