Congressman Peter King (R-NY):James Comey Was Fired Because He Wanted To Be Judge, Jury & Prosecutor

“You can’t have the head of the FBI being judge, jury and prosecutor and I think the president felt, as I think President Obama felt but he couldn’t do anything about it and as Loretta Lynch felt, you can’t have the FBI director getting out there, that’s not his job, he is not speaking for the administration, and more and more Jim Comey was doing and I think it was the main reason and a lot of his statements, I can see why the President feels he came across as self-serving, that he felt nauseous that he elected Donald Trump as president, that type of thing.”

—Congressman Peter King on why he feels President Trump fired FBI director James Comey

Congressman Peter King (R-NY) joined Brian Kilmeade in studio today to discuss why he agreed with the decision to fire FBI Director James Comey. King explained that despite the Democrat’s and media’s narrative James Comey’s firing will have no effect on the continuing Russian investigation. However, King went on to say that President Trump needs to do a better job at communicating his message and agenda to the American people, more talking less tweeting.

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