Senate Republicans Re-elect Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

    It’s election day in the U.S. Senate. Republicans choosing some familiar faces as Democrats regroup a bit.

    FOX’s Jared Halpern has more from Capitol Hill:

    Senate Republicans will leave their current leadership team in place, re-electing Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to his top spot, he’ll be a key figure in an all-Republican Congress that in January has a Republican President as well.

    Democrats, however, are making changes. New York Senator Chuck Schumer will lead the opposition, replacing retiring minority leader Harry Reid:

    (Schumer) “I am gonna wake up every single day focused on how Senate Democrats can effectively fight for America’s middle class and those struggling to join it.”

    Democrats have also expanded their leadership roster to include former Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders.

    On Capitol Hill, Jared Halpern, FOX News.

    Follow Jared Halpern on Twitter: @JaredHalpern