Chicago Teachers Union Strikes a Deal

    Chicago’s teachers may be able to breathe a bit easier as a new deal appears to have been agreed upon.

    FOX’s Jeff Monosso has the story:

    The Chicago Teachers Union says it struck a deal late last night, averting a second major strike for teachers in four years.

    Though CTU president Karen Lewis says there’s still work to do:

    (Lewis) “We’re very pleased that we were able to come to this tentative agreement.”

    (Emanuel) “Teachers hard work will be respected in this contract and appropriately rewarded.”

    Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel.

    The four-year proposal includes cost-of-living increases in the third and fourth year. Teachers won’t have to pay more toward their pensions and it also addresses class sizes.

    The deal still needs to be ratified by members and that could take weeks, but for now, some 400,000 kids won’t be locked out of school.

    In Chicago, Jeff Monosso, FOX News.

    Follow Jeff Monosso on Twitter: @JeffMonosso