“YOU ALL SO SUCK”: Joe Concha Slams Democratic Media for Biden Debate Reaction

Joe Concha, Fox News Contributor & author of Come On, Man!: The Truth About Joe Biden’s Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Presidency, joined the Guy Benson Show today to discuss the latest on the media’s reaction to Biden’s debate performance. As many on the left begin to panic about Biden’s age and mental acuity, will the Democrats work to replace Biden with a younger candidate? Listen to the full interview below!

Full Interview:

Listen to the full podcast:

Concha had this to say on the media flipping on Biden’s mental state:

“You all so suck. I mean, what can I say? And the dishonesty of all this? ‘We didn’t see this coming.’ Oh, this is shocking. Oh, please. You covered it up. You knowingly covered it up.”