GUY BENSON SHOW: Nevada Senate Candidate Sam Brown Shares His Story and Discusses Why Nevada Is So Important in November

Sam Brown, Republican Senate Nominee from Nevada, Purple Heart recipient, and small businessman, joined the Guy Benson Show today to share the harrowing story of his service overseas in Afghanistan, his love story with his wife, and his decision to run for public office. Brown discusses why Nevada is so important in the grand scheme of the Senate elections this November, and you can listen to the full interview below!

Full Interview:

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Brown had this to say on Nevadans and the 2024 Senate elections:

“Nevadans have an opportunity here to look at their life and say, has my senator helped me out these last six years? Has the Biden-Rosen policies left my life better? And I think many people would say that it hasn’t. And so they have an opportunity to have someone who does believe that as individuals, as Americans, we should have a more freedom, more choice in what we pursue that, makes us happy. And for a smaller government and, and that’s part of what we offer is economic prosperity, national security and sovereignty, more parental choice in schools…”