Unhinged De Niro!

In an act of total tone-deaf desperation, Team Biden Harris trots out deranged Robert DeNiro to make their case.


I’m Tomi Lahren, more next. 


As the Trump trial is in the middle of closing arguments, the Biden/Harris team trotted out Trump-deranged Robert De Niro to make their case outside of the courthouse in New York City.


His unhinged rant was not only filled with lies, but also delusions. 


Besides bashing Trump and his supporters, DeNiro also used scare tactics to assert if re-elected, Trump would never leave office and democracy will cease to exist. 


He also claimed Trump doesn’t belong in New York City, a city he has no doubt benefitted for most of his adult life. 


If elitist actor Robert DeNiro is the last hope of the Biden/Harris team, you know things are getting desperate!


This law fare tactic is really backfiring on Democrats and it’s a well-deserved consequence they’ll have to deal with. 


I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at Outkick.com