Disney World Cuts Tinker Bell

Disney World gives Tinker Bell the boot over concerns she is a “problematic character.”

Oh good lord, here we go again.

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

In yet another woke Disney disaster, fan favorite character Tinkerbell has been cut from meet and greets at the park. 

This comes after the character has reportedly been under scrutiny for being potentially “problematic.”

Apparently according to some busybody critics, Tinkerbell is too “body conscious” and also too jealous with Peter Pan’s attention, so her wings have been clipped at the park. 

While images of Tink haven’t been totally axed, the character is no longer available for fan meet and greets. 

Oh geez, here we go again with the political correctness overload that is literally ruining everything innocent and fun. 

Tinker Bell is an imaginary fairy character, is it really that deep? 

WHO is actually offended by any of this? Certainly not children.

I, for one, am so sick of the social justice warriors nitpicking everything in search of something to be offended by. 

Leave Tinker Bell alone!

 I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at Outkick.com