“Right to Disconnect” Bill Introduced in CA

A California bill would give workers the right to ignore their bosses after hours.

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next. 

A California Democrat introduced a new way for workers to skirt work. How on brand.

Assemblymember Matt Haney of San Francisco introduced a bill centered around the premise that less work should be expected from workers. 

The bill is dubbed “the right to disconnect” and would give employees a legal excuse to ignore their bosses after normal work hours. 

The bill would require “nonworking hours” to be established and allow employees to file a complaint punishable by fine for employers who don’t adhere to their employees’ “right to disconnect.”

The greatest generation stormed the beaches of Normandy, many of them at just 18-years-old, and this generation complains about answering emails after 5pm. 

You think the Chinese would implement a “right to disconnect” rule? Not a chance and that’s why they are eating our lunch. 

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at Outkick.com