Florida Republican Congressman Byron Donalds joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to give his take on some of the claims made by Hunter Biden’s former business partner Tony Bobulinski during a House Oversight Committee hearing on Wednesday.

“Look, we knew it was going to be a good day when he called Jamie Raskin a liar in his opening statement. We were like, oh, this Tony Bobulinski guy, he does not care. And he’s coming in ready to go. And I think that put the Dems on their heels. But whether it was him or Mr. Galanis who was a business partner of of Hunter Biden back when Joe Biden was still vice president, Galanis was just like, no, Joe Biden was at that meeting. He was at this meeting. He was at that meeting. We all knew that the job was to give Joe Biden plausible deniability. And Bobulinski said, yeah, I met Joe Biden. It wasn’t just some handshake to talk about the weather. He was trying to talk about all my business, what I’ve done and what my background was, talking about his background, the family’s background. He said they talked for like 45 minutes at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Now, let’s just be honest with each other. If you meet somebody and it’s a potential business associate of your son, do you talk to that person for 45 minutes? Or do you just say, hey, nice meeting you, kid and you move on to the next thing? What do you do?”

Listen to the podcast to hear everything they discussed!

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