NYC Pizza Police

New York City pizzerias are under the gun to reduce emissions by 75% on their wood and coal-fired stoves..or else. 

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

It would seem New York City is more committed to its pizza policing than actual policing.  

Mayor Eric Adams stands by his regulation on wood and coal-fired stoves as the mandate is set to take effect at the end of next month. 

Restaurants with wood and coal-fired stoves are required to reduce emissions by 75% in an effort to supposedly secure “climate justice” and cleaner air. 

The filtration systems required to be in compliance can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. 

What a slap in the face to already struggling business owners. 

New York City leaders are worried about clean air? I find that hard to believe given  the widespread stench of pot smoke that doesn’t seem to concern them!

It’s really no wonder businesses are flocking to free states!

Free the pizza!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at