Testimony HUR’D Round the Swamp!

Well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory is your president and supposedly the Democrat candidate to run your country for the next four years oh, AND he mishandled classified documents but doesn’t really remember it so it doesn’t count?


I’m Tomi Lahren, more next. 


The Democrats and their cheerleaders in the mainstream media really got themselves wedged between a classified rock and dementia hard place during special counsel Hur testimony on Capitol Hill. 


They tried to both deny Joe Biden is a failing and decrepit man with a poor memory but also defend his retention and storage of classified documents.


The testimony felt a lot like a board game titled “Clue: Nursing Home Edition” 


The Penn Biden Center, Garage, Den, Office, Other Den, University of Delaware, Biden Institute. 


Is there anywhere Joe didn’t keep classified documents? 


But no matter how they try to slice this thing up, the fact remains that Joe Biden mishandled classified documents but will not have to face the prosecutorial music for it because he’s too old and senile to know better.




I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at Outkick.com