CA Democrat Introduced Bill to Fund Legal Aid for Illegals Convicted of Serious Crimes

A California Democrat introduced a bill to grant TAXPAYER FUNDED legal services to ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS convicted of SERIOUS or VIOLENT crimes!

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

Just when you thought California Democrats couldn’t stoop any lower or be anymore ridiculous, enter Democrat Assemblyman Reggie Jones-Sawyer who introduced a bill to grant TAXPAYER FUNDED legal services to ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS convicted of SERIOUS or VIOLENT crimes!

Yep! AB-2031, as part of the One California program, sought to use California taxpayer dollars to fund legal assistance and guidance to illegal immigrants who have been convicted or are currently appealing conviction for violent and serious felonies. 

If you’re a Californian who continues to vote for and empower the radical and ridiculous Democrat Party agenda in your state, what the heck are you thinking?!

This bill, even by liberal California standards, is beyond the pale. 

Luckily, after social media ERUPTED in shock and disgust, this bill has been pulled from committee. 

It’s tabled, FOR NOW, but I wouldn’t put it past them to resurrect it!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at