Host of the “Jason In The House” podcast Jason Chaffetz joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to explain why he believes House Judiciary Committee Democrats did not have an effective strategy when questioning Special Counsel Robert Hur about his report on President Biden’s handling of classified materials.

“This is a classic textbook, everybody in political science should watch this. They should have taken the first sentence of that Hur report, which says, you know, we’re not going to prosecute him, and called it a day. That should have been their opening statement It should have been the only thing they said. They should have asked them to read the first sentence. But no, they tried to reach for more. Say Hur exonerated. Oh, and then it comes up worse. You look at the cover of the New York Post today. No, he was not exonerated. So that’s the headline now, instead of just saying no, we didn’t find beyond a reasonable doubt that the jury would convict, I mean, they could have done that, but they didn’t. They overreached.”

Jason also tells Jimmy about a birthday story involving former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Listen to the podcast to hear everything they discussed!

PLUS, don’t forget to order your copy of Jimmy’s new book!

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