President Joe Battles Junk Fees

President Sleepy Joe is once again tackling the most pressing issue of our time, credit card and junk fees.


I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.


The economy is still crap. Inflation is still high. Wages are still not keeping pace with cost of living. 


But instead of changing his “Bidenomics”, President Joe is instead blaming companies and corporations for the unaffordability he and Democrats have created. 


Enter, Biden’s “Strike Force” team to the rescue, sort of. 


This initiative aims to limit what banks can charge for late credit card payments and cap it at eight bucks or require banks to justify charging more. 


The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau says this effort could save Americans about $10 billion a year, which is great, unless you consider all of the things this administration has done to run up our bill way higher than that. 


Taking care of illegals will cost us billions more, taking care of Ukraine, also billions more. 


But your president is laser focused on junk fees, of all things. 


What a joke! 


I’d rather pay a junk fee than pay for an endless war or an invasion of illegal immigrants!


I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at