Former Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich joins Fox Across America With guest host Todd Piro to share his thoughts on how President Biden completely missed the mark when highlighting the crisis at the U.S. Southern border during his State of the Union address on Thursday night.

“I was on the front line, whether it was fighting the Biden administration to force them to continue building the wall, when we sued them over Title 42 to stop the rescission of that, when I went to the U.S. Supreme Court and argued that when he rescinded the public charge rule where he was giving benefits to people entering this country illegally, we know that what he did is he incentivized the decriminalize people coming in this country through his executive orders. And as a result of that, not only a young woman in Georgia is dead, but thousands of Americans are dying every day because of the flood of fentanyl coming into this country, because of heroin coming into the country, and because the cartels have seized control of our southern border. And, I know other people are talking about this now, but we’ve been talking about it for years that, there are people on the terror watch list. There are tens of thousands of people coming in from countries that are hostile, the United States that are not being vetted, that we don’t know where they’re out in this country. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. And when I heard Joe Biden last night mispronounced her name, I thought to myself that his lack of integrity is only surpassed by his ineptitude. And as a first generation American, it breaks my heart to see a president that’s so hostile and divisive. And the fact that people on the Left won’t even recognize that that was such a divisive speech last night. And, you know, I was watching it with one of my daughters, and I just said, I mean, even Bill Clinton wouldn’t have given a speech like that. You know, it’s just it’s crazy to me, that you have a president of the United States in a State of the Union, this isn’t the DNC speech, in the State of the Union starts off by talking about Ukraine, and then he basically insults half the American voters and does nothing to try to unify us. And he basically lied. He lied about a bunch of stuff.”

Listen to the podcast to hear what else they discussed!

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