Promise Keepers Dares Men to Reclaim Biblical Manhood
In the more than 25 years since Promise Keepers began, the culture
has shifted tremendously. And it’s not been a positive move for men.
Masculinity is called “toxic”, and “straight white male” has
become a euphemism for “devil incarnate”. But Promise Keepers
president Ken Harris and Dr. A.R. Bernard, the Senior pastor of New York mega
church, Christian Cultural Center, are undaunted, and fearless in beckoning men
to biblical manhood, and understand and live out what God has called them to
be. It is not the secular culture or social media that defines a man, or the
purpose for which he was born, it is God. Later this month Promise Keepers will
meet in Florida, where thousands of men will step out in a move of “Daring
Faith” hoping to build men of God. On this episode of Lighthouse Faith
podcast, Harris and Bernard speak about the problems men face in the world today,
the messages they get wrong, and spiritual solutions to both.