Karol Markowicz on Seeking Asylum and Migration: “We Used To Have an Actual Process, and We Don’t Have That Today”

Karol Markowicz, columnist for the New York Post and Fox News, Co-Author (with Bethany Mandel) of the new book Stolen Youth: How Radicals Are Erasing Innocence and Indoctrinating a Generation, and Host of the  podcast The Karol Markowicz Show, joined the Guy Benson Show to talk about her story in the New York Post about her own migration story and why present-day migrants aren’t following the rules that her and her family had to follow. Karol and Guy also discuss the latest on the withdraw of funding from UNRWA, as she calls for a permanent defunding of the organization due to terrorist ties.

Listen to the full interview:

Listen to the full podcast:

Markowicz had this to say on the difference between migration and asylum processes of the past and of today:

“And when these countries committed to taking us, when we were allowed entrance into the United States, part of what we had to promise that we would not be a burden on social services, that somebody would be responsible for our housing and our food and all of our needs, and that we wouldn’t apply for welfare or be a burden on any city or state that took us in, does completely not what’s happening today. As people show up to the border and expect to be taken care of, and it’s such a difference in what is going on and what’s being permitted. But I think people need to understand that it wasn’t always like this. We used to have a process, we used to have an actual process, and we don’t have that today.”