Charles Payne on the State of Bidenomics: “Under President Biden, the Rich Have Gotten So Much Richer”

Charles Payne, Host of Making Money with Charles Payne on Fox Business, joins the Guy Benson Show to discuss the latest in economic news across the country. Benson and Payne discuss the realities of Bidenomics, and the pair question Biden’s strategy of heavily promoting Bidenomics despite widescale economic discontentment from the American public. Finally, Benson and Payne discuss inflation and a viral Taco Bell receipt. Listen to the full interview below.

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Payne had this to say on Bidenomics being pushed by the Biden administration:

“Here’s the reality of our economy. We live in a trickle up economy. People get money, they go and they spend it, and it finds its way to the top 1%. And what’s happened is, ironically, under President Biden, the rich have gotten so much richer.”