Former Michigan GOP gubernatorial candidate Tudor Dixon joins Fox Across America With guest host Joe Concha to give her take on a new poll which has former President Trump beating President Biden by eight points among likely voters in the Wolverine State.

“That is a huge mess for him in the state of Michigan. But the state of Michigan is really in trouble. We’ve got increasing energy prices, just as Whitmer came out with her new climate plan, and the all renewable energy by 2040, 50 percent by 2030. Everyone’s rate got raised like overnight. And we have expensive energy here as it is. We’ve got businesses leaving. They just put a growth plan out today saying this is our growth plan. It  may take effect by 2050 and we don’t expect it to grow the population. So what’s a growth plan? You know, people in the state of Michigan are like, we need something better. Whitmer is Biden in a dress. We’ve got to have some hope. And not only hope, the only hope comes in who can be president. And that’s why you see this big boost.”

To hear what else she had to say to Joe, listen to the podcast!

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