RNC National Spokesperson Madison Gesiotto Gilbert joins Fox Across America With guest host Joe Concha to shed light on how the GOP is shifting its strategy ahead of the 2024 election in order to produce better results than the 2022 midterms.

“I go across the country all the time. And I’m talking to people. And the one thing they continue to ask me is, what are we going to do different? How are we going to make sure that we don’t see the losses we saw in 2022? I was the Republican nominee in Ohio’s 13th congressional district in 2022. So I understand this more personally than almost anybody out there, and I witnessed across the country targeted top tier races like my own that should have went one way and ended up going another. And so before I even came on board with the RNC, I was on the advisory board with the chairwoman and with the party and looking at what we can do different. And one of those things, of course, is making sure our messaging is right, that we’re providing good messaging to our candidates who are interested in using that to reach voters. But of course, where does that messaging go? If you have the perfect message but it doesn’t reach the right voter, it’s useless. And so we need to make sure we’re targeting voters where they are, not just where we hope they are or think they are. And I talk about this a lot because it’s so important. We have to be winning some of these younger voters. How do we do that? We get online. These younger voters aren’t watching Fox News or CNN as maybe millennials like myself or older generations were. And then of course, early vote. It’s things a lot of people don’t like it. I get that I was never a big proponent of early voting, of seeing the things change that we’ve seen over even the past ten years. But the reality is, until the states change things and if they change things in certain states, we have to play the same game the Democrats are playing, and we have to get out and vote early.”

Listen to the podcast to hear what else she had to say to Joe!

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