Illegal Immigrants Force Students out of their own High School

Students in New York City WERE forced into remote learning so their high school cCOULD be turned into a makeshift housing complex for thousands of illegal immigrants.

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

Students at New York City’s James Madison High School WERE pushed out of their classrooms and into remote learning so the city COULD use their building to house illegal immigrants BECAUSE OF A SEVERE WEATHER THREAT.

Even worse, sojme of the teachers never even logged on remote classes.

I don’t suppose the teachers unions have anything to say on this…after all they are all for their teachers not actually having to do anything.

But by all means New Yorkers, keep voting for Democrats. It’s sure working out for you.

Start sending the illegals to the private schools where the wealthy kids go! There are a lot of celebrity parents in New York City that should welcome these illegals into THEIR kid’s schools with open arms. The loving intolerant way!

Truth is these illegals should be housed exclusively in ICE detention facilities pending their permanent removal from our country. But don’t plan on that happening anytime soon!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at