Former Pennsylvania Democratic Congressman and former Under Secretary of the Army Patrick Murphy joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to give his take on Defense Secretary’s Lloyd Austin’s failure to disclose his recent hospitalization to the White House.

“Someone’s head is going to roll. I mean, there’s no doubt. I mean, I think even like Chuck Hagel, who’s a former Republican Senator and former Secretary of Defense, he said, listen, you’ve got to be straight with the American people and the press. I mean, you can’t hide a ball. And again, I love Lloyd Austin. He’s also a former 82nd airborne paratrooper.”

Patrick and Jimmy also talk about how the divisive nature of politics today can make us forget we’re all part of the same team in the United States.

Politics is so vile. What it is, it’s emotional for people. It’s not very logical. Right? And so that’s why like to me, like I voted for George Bush the first time and then not the second time, but I respect him. And I’ve been with him. And even when he the president, even when I disagree with him or whether it was President Trump, I never said a bad word publicly or privately because you know why? He’s the president of the United States. And I get it. You could be on different team jerseys, but people gotta remember, man, it’s China. Russia that wants to beat the s**t out of each other.”

Listen to the podcast to hear what else he had to say to Jimmy!

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