New York Congresswoman Claudia Tenney joins Fox Across America with guest host Harry Hurley to discuss the latest on Colorado taking former President Donald Trump off the Republican primary ballot for 2024.

“It’s a very dangerous decision. It should be overturned in a nine to nothing decision out of the out of the U.S. Supreme Court. And New York state is trying to do the same thing. And kudos to the Michigan. Yeah, their highest court actually turned this down. And other states, there’s almost two dozen other states that are considering this. This is how desperate the Democrats are in really just, you know, taking the justice out of our justice system and making it about their raw lust for power. These are power grabs everywhere. An attempt to prevent any Republican, especially President Trump, from getting elected. But let me tell you something. It isn’t just about President Trump. It’s about every Republican that could be elected. And it’s also about individuals. Can you imagine the average citizen, the person that’s just doing their job? If somebody like this that is so maliciously motivated would prosecute and could put anyone they didn’t like in jail.  You’re not a Democrat. You go to jail, you don’t agree with my views. You go to jail or we condemn your beliefs. It’s just the opposite of everything we stand for. Innocent until proven guilty.”

Rep. Tenney also weighs in on Trump’s fraud trial in New York. To hear what else she had to say, listen to the podcast!