News Editor for Katie Pavlich joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to shed light on the hypocrisy of the Left’s response to Texas Governor Greg Abbott signing a new law which gives police the authority to arrest migrants who cross the U.S. Southern border illegally.

“They throw this xenophobia, racist line out as a lazy way of not wanting to actually do anything to solve the problem. Meanwhile, you have the mayor of New York City who is not White, the mayor of Chicago, not White, all saying, hey, this is a huge problem. Fix it. Of course, they don’t necessarily point to President Biden, who is directly responsible for this. They’re mad at Greg Abbott, the governor of Texas, for daring to send these people to their cities when the federal government is sending them by the millions to cities around the country. So it is a scam. It’s a scam for everybody. This shouldn’t matter what your race is. You know, these people are engaged in rampant asylum fraud, and the backlog for the court system now is five years. Basically, if you get here, you get to stay. And the president has the executive authority. They keep throwing this monkey back to like the House and the Senate, you know, to say that it’s their problem to fix. No, the president has a lot of authority when it comes to securing the sovereignty of the country. And he’s refusing to do it because it would dare be similar to what Trump did. So they just can’t bring themselves, I mean, the ego and the pride that is leading to this horrific problem on the border is just astonishing. But they just can’t do it because it has something to do with Trump. It’s like, just take Trump out of it and just look at the policy if you’re really that bothered by it.”

Katie and Jimmy also discuss the possibility of the Democratic Party having a last-minute change of heart about President Biden being their nominee in next year’s election. Listen to the podcast to hear what else she had to say!

PLUS, don’t forget to pre-order your copy of Jimmy’s upcoming book!

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