Chris Christie on GOP Presidential Field Narrowing: “(Vivek) Has Voted Himself Off the Island… (He’s) Not Ready for the Primetime”

Chris Christie, 2024 GOP presidential candidate and former Governor of New Jersey, joined the Guy Benson Show today to discuss the latest following his trip to Israel and seeing the war between Israel and Hamas first hand. Christie also talked about the state of the 2024 GOP Primaries, as he recently announced that he has already hit fundraising goals to qualify for the fourth GOP Presidential debate. Finally, Guy asks Christie about parenting advice and the biggest thing he would suggest Guy do as he becomes a first-time father. Listen to the full interview below.

Full Interview:

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Christie had this to say about the prospects for the 2024 GOP nomination:

“The field has winnowed and this race is really down now, in my view, to four people. Donald Trump, me, Nikki Haley, and Ron DeSantis. I believe (Vivek) has voted himself off the island, Guy, with the way he’s conducted himself in these debates and other things he said publicly, I think you’ve seen the public react much more negatively to him after the second and third debates that he did after the first one, because I think his conflict is really outrageous. And I think people are seeing that this is a 38-year-old guy who is just not ready for prime time.”