Riley Gaines on Megan Rapinoe’s Statement About God and Her Injury: “I Didn’t Feel Frustrated. I Felt Sad.”

Riley Gaines, a member of the 2022 University of Kentucky swim team, advisor for Independent Women’s Voice, and Director of The Riley Gaines Center at the Leadership Institute, joined the Guy Benson Show today to discuss her story in having to compete against trans-athlete Lia Thomas during her senior swimming season at the University of Kentucky, and she talked about how that has pushed her to advocate for safe, woman exclusive spaces. She also discusses with Guy about the latest from former US Women’s Soccer Team star Megan Rapinoe and her comments about her injury being evidence that there is “no God”. Listen to the full interview and podcast below.

Full Interview:

Full Podcast: 

Gaines had this to say about anti-women policies being passed in favor of trans-atheletes:

“The safety aspect, along with the unfair competition, along with the giving up concert in areas of undressing, all of these things matter. But what we’re being told, the message that we’re being sent, that we as female athletes, really we as as women, we as people, we’re being told that we don’t matter. Our privacy, our safety, our feelings, our dignity are equal opportunities. None of that matters to the people creating these policies.”