Sen. Marco Rubio to the MIT Pro-Hamas Protestors: “If You’re Here on a Student Visa, That Visa Should Be Revoked”

Senator Marco Rubio, Vice Chairman of the Select Committee on Intelligence, senior member of the Committee on Foreign Relations, and member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, joined the Guy Benson Show to talk about the latest on the war in Israel and how the US needs to do more to support it’s allies in the region. Rubio and Guy also talk about the ongoing protests across the United States, and Rubio specifically calls out the protests and administration of MIT for not revoking student visas of those supporting terrorism on campus. Listen to the full interview below.

Full Interview:

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Rubio had this to say about MIT and other universities refusing to take action on anti-Semetic protests:

“And now we’re being confronted with the reality that some of these images of thousands of people calling for intifada, these are not images from the Middle East. These are images from Washington, D.C., in New York City happening in our own country. And what’s really outrageous is that some of the people out there are in this country on student visas. MIT announced that they would not go after they would not be suspending students because it could impact their visa status, because that, you know, as I’ve been pushing and Mayorkas actually publicly agreed the other day, if you’re here supporting terrorism and you’re on a student visa, that visa should be revoked. You should never gotten one in the first place. So we are facing challenges not just from around the world, but inside of our own country.”