Shannon Bream on the Latest Supreme Court Ethics Probe: “There’s Some Real Concern… These Are Politically Motivated Hit Jobs”

Shannon Bream, chief legal correspondent and Anchor of Fox News Sunday (check your local listings), host of the hit podcast ‘Livin The Bream’ and Bestselling author of many books, including The Love Stories of the Bible Speak: Biblical Lessons on Romance, Friendship, and Faith, joined the Guy Benson Show to discuss the latest news coming from Capitol Hill out of the Supreme Court. Benson and Bream talk the significance of the upcoming cases that are set to be reviewed in front of the high court. They also discuss the latest news surrounding the subpoenas in the latest Supreme Court Ethics probe. Listen to the full interview below.

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Bream had this to say on the latest ethics probe in the Supreme Court:

“What people need to remember is the Supreme Court does have to comply with a number of different ethics codes… (but) I think that there’s some real concern, I get a sense over the court, that these are politically motivated sort of hit jobs. And that’s not just coming from people who are the target of them. I haven’t talked to Justice Thomas about this, but there are others at the court who feel like it’s an effort to delegitimize the court.”