Obama is at the Wheel?

If you thought Barack Obama left office in 2017, you thought wrong!

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

By the looks and sounds of President Joe Biden, it wouldn’t shock me if someone else was running the country in a shadow role.

Former President Obama, perhaps?

According to Biden AND Obama aides, Former President BO has been working behind the scenes for at least 5 months on the White House “AI” strategy, meeting with tech companies, holding zoom meetings with West Wing aides and more and all at the request of Joe Biden.

This news comes as the Biden White House delivered an executive order on government oversight over AI.

Aides say the two men shared a common vision on the need for AI regulation, but I don’t buy it and I also don’t buy the narrative that AI policy is the only thing Obama has been steering over at Team “Biden.”

I’d be curious to know what other areas the former president and his team have their hands in.

Something smells fishy or more accurately…like BO!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at Outkick.com