Jason Chaffetz on the Rep. Bowman Investigation: “I Have a Beef with the Capitol Hill Police”

Jason Chaffetz, Fox News Contributor, Former House Oversight Committee Chairman and author of the new book PUPPETEERS: THE PEOPLE WHO CONTROL THE PEOPLE WHO CONTROL AMERICA, joined the Guy Benson Show to talk about how the Iranian Foreign Minister berated the United States in front of the UN General Assembly and why Biden should not be silent on this blatant act of disrespect. They also talk about the new Speaker of the House Mike Johnson and if Chaffetz might consider a run for the Senate himself in 2024. Listen to the full interview below.

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Chaffetz had this to say on the investigation into Rep. Bowman pulling a fire alarm:

“(It was a) total lie. I think the prosecution should be more aggressive than that. They certainly are prosecuted others for far, far worse. I do have a beef with the Capitol Hill police. I thought that they should have not released still photos. I think they should have released the video at the beginning. Why did they do that? I think they did that to make him look better than he actually did.”