Karol Markowicz on Pro-Hamas Supporters Being “Cancelled”: “The Left Deserves This”

Karol Markowicz, columnist for the New York Post & Fox News, Co-Author of the new book Stolen Youth: How Radicals Are Erasing Innocence and Indoctrinating a Generation, and host of the brand new podcast “The Karol Markowicz Show”, joined the Guy Benson Show to discuss the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza. Karol hones in on those who continue to support Hamas in the wake of the terror that they are inflicting on Israeli citizens… and she calls for those who support Jewish deaths to face the consequences of the cancel culture they helped create. Listen to the full interview below.

Full Interview:

Listen to the Full Podcast:


Markowicz had this to say about why the left needs to be held to their own “cancel culture” standards:

“Violent words that they’re saying are being held against them… The left deserves this. The left deserves to live under the rules they’ve set. Words are violence… But words about violence aren’t violence? Israel is somehow supposed to have a process with them when ‘the squad’ can’t even say ‘give back the babies you took?'”