Niall Ferguson: Alleged U.S-Iranian Collusion “Really Disturbing”

Niall Ferguson, Milbank Family Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution and the author of Doom: The Politics of Catastrophe, joined the Guy Benson Show as a historian and scholar who predicted a war in the Middle East nearly a year ago. Ferguson and Guy also discuss the latest at colleges and universities, and how university presidents should not be commenting on political ideas and ideals in the public eye. Listen to the full interview below.

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Ferguson had this to say on the disturbing apparent Iranian collusion within the US government:

“But there’s something else going on in Washington which is really disturbing. And that is, well, you used the word collusion. I might not go that far. But certainly something funny is going on when your Iran envoy has to have his security clearance suspended pending investigation. We need to talk more about that because it smells very, very rotten to me.”