Pro-Terror Groups Rally on College Campuses

Dear Leftists and Leftist institutions, it is NOT HARD to be ANTI-TERRORIST.

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

You don’t have to be Jewish or pro-Israel to be anti-Hamas but someone forgot to tell that to student activist groups in colleges and universities across the United States as they are blaming Israel for the terror attacks carried out by Hamas against Israel.

Some even go so far as to stamp their statements with paraglider graphics- alluding to the Hamas terrorists who flew into Israel via paraglider to slaughter, brutalize and terrorize innocent Israelis.

And, right on brand, BLM grassroots as well as BLM Chicago have put out similar images.

I find it super rich that these blatantly pro-Hamas, pro-terrorist student organizations are allowed to form and assemble under the guise of “free speech” when conservative speakers like myself and countless others, are told we are unwelcome on campuses due to our “hate speech.”

The double standard is ASTOUNDING!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at